Saturday, July 27, 2019

How To Use LinkedIn To Boot Your Electrical Engineer Resume

How To Use LinkedIn To Boot Your Electrical Engineer Resume

The LinkedIn network is best described as the social network for professionals. Using LinkedIn is much like submitting your resume in reverse, instead of creating a resume then submitting it out everywhere, you create your profile (which is just like a resume) on LinkedIn. People can look at your profile anytime without you needing to submit it anywhere.
There's a catch however. Just like a real Electrical Engineer resume, your linked in profile can be regarded as a professional document, so if you fill your profile with rubbish or false claims you can receive a cold response just like a rubbish resume would.
A LinkedIn profile is a powerful asset, however all your LinkedIn profile building efforts could be wasted if you're not building your page properly.
Here's a few techniques for getting the best out of your of your LinkedIn profile:
Make Use Of Industry Keywords Make sure you include industry keywords throughout your profile page. Just like searching on Google recruiters search LinkedIn for things that interest them. If you aren't mentioning industry keywords in your resume you may never show up in a search.
Add Tags To Your Profile The tag section under your name should include a statement about you and what you're up to. Make The best use of this space by creating a great comment about your current role or job.

Keep it fresh and up to date Be sure to add regular status updates about projects and jobs you've completed or are working on. This ensures your profile stays up to date. As you finish a project add it to your experience section then add any people "connections" you made.

Connecting You're Websites While it's tempting to link some of your favorite websites into your profile, i' d advise you don't unless you have 100% control over them. Treat your LinkedIn profile just like your offline resume, which means you won't write about a drunken night you just had!.

Get Recommendations To help the LinkedIn system I write recommendations for the people I've worked with (provided they earn it!),I then encourage them to do the same for me.. Positive feedback on your work helps form a very positive external impression for the recruiter.

Construct Great Content Establish your profile by building as much content as possible, add experience, certifications, groups and anything professional you're into. Content in these areas helps round out your experience and public image.
By keeping your LinkedIn profile as up to date as possible your making sure you're fully optimized for recruiters, potential employers and that your current Electrical Engineer Resume matches your online profile.
Source: Free Articles from


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